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Vendor Interest Form 2025

We'd love for you to be a part of the 2025 Wright County Fair!

As we plan for our upcoming fair season, we'd love it if you could provide us with some information. We will follow-up with you with our Vendor Applications and more information by mid February.

This form is NOT your application and does not guarantee your space. This is simply to gather information and we will follow-up with you later.

Contact Information

Company Information


Vendor Information

Commercial or Food?

Space Requested All food vendors are outdoors

Are you a previous Vendor at the WCF?

If applicable
If possible, would you like the same location at the 2024 WCF?

After reviewal of your interest form, we will be in touch with you on whether or not you will be invited to join our upcoming fair. At that time you will need to provide Proof of Insurance, a completed ST19 Form, Health License, and a full description of the products you are offering or advertising. You can choose to provide this information now with your interest form or after our follow-up with you when making our 2025 Vendor selections. This form is not your application and does not guarantee your space. This is simply to gather information and we will follow-up with you later.

Insurance Information

The Certificate of Insurance for General Liability naming Wright County/Wright County Agricultural Society as an additional insured, giving evidence of $1 million liability insurance is required.
Certificate of Insurance naming Wright County & Wright County Ag. Society as an additional insured You may scan, email, or mail these documents
Describe in detail the product or products, company name, brand, etc. you wish to include in your commercial space. Include information about the display setup if possible, i.e. what you plan to place in your booth area. Outdoor space request must include dimensions needed. You must complete the MN State Dept. of Revenue ST19 Form. Electrical inspections will be made at all locations and hook MUST CONFORM TO MINNESOTA STATE ELECTRICAL CODE. Any costs incurred in having the Fair electrician do any hookup for you, plus inspection fee due at time of inspection will be your responsibility.

Food Concessions:
List or attach a copy of all menu items offered and posted prices. Menu items are subject to approval. Send or attach a photo or draw a diagram of your concession truck/trailer locating electrical, water access, appliances, etc. Locate hitches, gas bottles, awnings, door openings, etc. Diagram accurately the footage of counter space open to the public.

Required Documents

ST19 Form You may scan, email, or mail these documents
MN Dept. of Health License You may scan, email, or mail these documents
Menu You may scan, email, or mail these documents
I agree to the terms and conditions

We truly appreciate you taking the time to complete our survey.

Save the date for the 2025 Wright County Fair, July 23rd-27th!

Guidelines and information for vendors and concessionaires

Tracy Gutknecht - Director
6568 30th ST NE, Buffalo, MN 55313
Phone: 612-919-1392

Commercial space renters at the 2024 Wright County Fair have the first priority to that same location for the 2025 Fair. The Wright County Fair board supports the policy of one representative per company and reserves the right to limit one representative per company.

INDOOR BOOTH SPACE: $150.00 - $250.00
OUTDOOR SPACE: $200.00 (10’ minimum) – additional footage is $20.00/foot
FOOD CONCESSIONS: As determined by the Committee. Questions should be directed to Tracy Gutknecht: 612-919-1392

220 Volt hookup: $100.00 Fair week / Refrigerated Truck/Freezer hookup: $100.00 Fair week. Non-Electrical Supply Truck $25.00 Fair week.

Set-up will be Monday, July 21 or Tuesday, July 22, 2025 from 9am-9pm. You must be set-up by noon on Wednesday July 23, 2025.

Admissions will be charged Wednesday beginning at 8:00am.

NO delivery vehicles will be allowed in Concession area after 10am during the Fair. No exhibitor will be allowed to pack up and/or take down displays until after 7:00pm on Sunday.

PLEASE NOTE: NO vehicles will be allowed in the exhibit area ­ you will need to carry items to your vehicle that is in the parking lot. The Fairboard would like to encourage you to take down exhibits on Monday, July 28, 2025 for safety reasons.

Building hours:

Wednesday: 12:00 Noon - 9:00pm.
Thursday, Friday & Saturday: 10:00am – 9:00pm.
Sunday: 10:00am - 7:00pm.

We will have someone open the buildings, however, we suggest you pack small items each day and take them with you. Overnight security will be on duty Tuesday, July 22 – Monday morning July 28. Wright County / Wright County Fairboard will not be responsible in any way for lost, stolen or damaged articles.

We request a Certificate of Insurance for general liability in the amount of $1,000,000.00 naming Wright County/Wright County Agricultural Society as an additional insured.

The Wright County Agricultural Society is required to have on file a copy of MN Department of Revenue for ST­19 for each vendor. We need this form completed each year. Please complete the form and mark the appropriate boxes that describe your tax responsibility.

Vendors must conform to MINNESOTA STATE ELECTRICAL CODE. Any costs incurred will be your responsibility.

We have admission/parking gate entry where daily tickets or a season pass are needed to enter the Fairgrounds. Passes are not included in vendor fees. See admission prices below.

Daily Admission & Parking:

Adults: $5.00 / 17 & under: Free
Season Pass (Admission Only): $15.00

Parking: $5.00 each time
Season Pass (Parking Only): $15.00

Season Pass Combination Admission & Parking Pass: $25.00

New vendors must complete and return a REQUEST FOR SPACE FORM. Upon acceptance a Space Rental Agreement will be sent. Confirmation of acceptance will be sent only upon full payment, completed forms and compliance with all stated policies.
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