1) Advanced registration of all entries is preferred. Complete the entry form and mail or email.
2) Please bring you exhibits to the fairgrounds on Tuesday, July 22nd from noon to 8pm
3) All exhibits must remain until 7pm on the last day of the fair.
4) All exhibits and their premium checks may be picked up beginning at 7pm on the last day of the fair. In the general exhibit building.
5) An exhibit may enter only one exhibit per lot
6) All exhibits must be the work of and owned by the exhibitor
7) All exhibits must have been completed during the current year
8) If the project exhibited is a set (towels, pillow cases, etc.)please only enter one
9) Judges are instructed not to award a premium unless the exhibit is worthy of merit
10) Every effort will be made to assure the safety of all entries after arrival and placement, but in no event, will Wright County Fair be responsible for loss or damage to exhibits
11) Exhibitors are responsible for entering their articles into the right division, class, lot on entry day.