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Livestock Exhibits

Revised April 1, 2024


The object of these rules and regulations are to make a better fair for all exhibitors.
1. Rules and regulations will be strictly adhered to. Any person who violates any rule or regulation made by the Wright County Agricultural Society shall be held accountable for their actions.
2. No exhibitor other than livestock will be allowed more than one entry in any one lot.
3. Rule #2 shall not effect sweepstakes or special competitions.
4. A: All livestock must be entered in the name of the true owner.
B: All domestically created articles entered must have been made by the person exhibiting and made between Aug. 1, 2024 and July 21, 2025.
5. Each article in competition must correspond in number and description with the premium and be in its proper place in order to obtain a premium. No change or alteration will be permitted after the books are placed in the hands of the judges.
6. Each entry shall be securely attached to the stall / pen or receptacle in which it is shown.
7. No article or animal on exhibit shall leave before the close of the fair under penalty of forfeiture of premium except by permission of the Fair Board. 8. Exhibition of articles not competing for premiums must be arranged to conform with the wishes of the superintendents.
9. Those in charge of different divisions shall conveniently group each lot within the classes.
10. The Association will take every precaution in its power for the preservation of articles and livestock on exhibition but cannot be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur in the delivery, exhibition or removal of the exhibits.
11. If from stormy weather or other causes the fair receipts should prove insufficient to meet all payable demands, the Society reserves the right to first pay all true expenses of the Fair and pay premiums with the balance on hand.
12. The superintendent of the division shall keep a record of the awards. The record shall be signed by Judge and returned to the Secretary.
13. The awards shall be designated by ribbons as follows: First: Blue, Second: Red, Third: White, and Grand Champion: Purple. Lost, damaged or unclaimed ribbons will not be replaced.
14. All awards shall be made by comparing the individual merits of lot entries.
15. Any interference by exhibitors to influence in any way a judge’s decision, will be sufficient cause for excluding that entry from competition and will be reported to the Fair Board Secretary through the Division Superintendent.
16. No appeal of a decision shall be allowed. An exhibitor may protest to the Superintendent of the division at the time of the award who may then require the judges to give reasons for their awards.
17. Premiums will not be awarded on articles or animals of inferior merit, regardless of the number in competition. The judges may award first, second or no premium, as merit may warrant, stating the reasons in writing when requested.
18. Special premiums may be offered by interested persons for entries which conform to the general classifications of the Fair Association.
19. No livestock trailers, tents, campers, etc., shall be parked before permission is obtained from the Fair Board. Unauthorized parking will be subject to towing at owner's expense.
20. PREMIUM CHECKS must be cashed within 20 days of their written date to be valid.
21. There is no limit to the number of entries of LIVESTOCK per lot (with the exception of group lots) BUT exhibitors of livestock cannot win more than two premiums per lot.
22. Exhibitors must keep their stock stalls and pens in good condition and open for inspection from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM. All exhibitors must furnish their own hay, straw and grain. No paper bedding will be allowed for livestock use.
23. Exhibitors of livestock are responsible for knowing when their animals will be judged. LIVESTOCK must be in the show ring promptly after being called. Any exhibitor failing to comply with this order will be ruled out of competition.
24. Sires, dams and groups entered as such must be owned by the individual or firm exhibiting them. Their progeny may be shown simply with proof of their breeding without ownership.
25. All exhibited animals shall be shown to judges under the supervision of the superintendent.
26. Exhibitors of bulls 1 year or older must lead the animal with a staff attached to a nose ring.
27. In all classes which call for registered stock, all animals over one year old should be accompanied by a certificate registry showing that the animal is properly registered in the studbook, herdbook or flockbook which is recognized as being authentic for the breed which the animal is supposed to represent.
28. Purebred animals under one year of age shall not be required to show certificate of registry, but the exhibitor of such animals shall be required to give a certified statement that both sire and dam of such animals are properly registered purebreds, according to their breed association.
29. Persons under 18 staying on the fairgrounds overnight must be exhibitors at the fair and have parent or guardian stay with them.
30. The Wright County Fair Board reserves the privilege of changing any of these rules and regulations to suit the purpose for which they have been made and to pass on their application regarding the Wright County Fair.
31. Whatever errors or omissions may arise will be corrected as soon as possible and at the division superintendent’s discretion.
32. Livestock exhibitors: If illness or injury of any nature is suspected in any animals, said animal is subject to examination by the Official Wright County Fair Veterinarian and owner/exhibitor of said animal must abide by the decision of this veterinarian. Examination and treatment by the Official Wright County Fair Veterinarian will be at the cost of the owner. If the owner/exhibitor cannot be reached, the Official Wright County Fair Veterinarian has the right to treat said animal at the cost of the owner. The animal will be placed in Quarantine Area on grounds.
33. The Society will not assume any responsibility for disease, sickness, injury, loss or damage contracted during the Fair.
34. All electrical fans and extension cords used in any building must be OSHA approved. No Campfires Allowed. Unless approved by Fair Board.

No animals will be assigned a place on the grounds until their entry fees have been paid. 4-H and FFA animals that are also entered in open classes must pay their open class fees no later than the entry fee closing date.
  • Cattle, per head $3.00
  • Swine, per head $2.00
  • Sheep, per head $2.00
  • Flower entries close at 4:30 pm Tuesday, July 22 (NO EXCEPTIONS). Flower judging begins at 5:00 pm Tuesday, July 22. Entries for the rest of the general exhibits will be from 12:00 pm until 8:00 pm Tuesday, July 22. General exhibits judging begins at 8:00 am Wednesday, July 23. Entries for cattle, sheep, hogs, and horses close as soon as capacity of the barns have been filled. Animals must be in place Wednesday, July 23 by 12:00 pm.
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